Geosciences Centre and of the Centre for Earth and Space Research

The Directors of the Geosciences Centre (CGEO) and of the Centre for Earth and Space Research (CITEUC) of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) have the pleasure of inviting members of your institution to participate in the International Meeting on “Paleoclimate: Change and Adaptation”, to be held at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), on the 18th-19th June, 2019.

The goal of this meeting is to stimulate an observational attitude and to promote an open discussion on paleoclimatic signals in order to improve our look at the present and to ground future perspectives.

Research topics covers, without being limited to, the following areas:

T1 – Paleoclimates in the Solar System: external forcing and divergent evolutions

T2 – Climate changes in geological time: lessons to learn

T3 – Climate memory in the geological record

T4 – Climate changes and human adaptations throughout the Quaternary

T5 – Climatic events and human-environment interactions in the Holocene


For those willing to publish expanded scientific papers after the conference a joint Special Issue for the “International Meeting on Paleoclimate” meeting will be launched by Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263; CODEN: GBSEDA), an interdisciplinary, international peer-reviewed open access journal of geoscience, future earth and planetary science published monthly online by MDPI.


Registration and additional information about the meeting can be found in the website:



Maria Helena Henriques (CGEO) and João Fernandes (CITEUC)