Opportunities for SMEs and Startups within FIWARE @UTAD – Vila Real

Banner: Opportunities for SMEs and Startups within FIWARE @UTAD - Vila Real
Are you a Startup, SME or web-entrepreneur, eager to design new apps and services? Europe offers you a chance to receive financing and support to develop your next Future Internet project.
The European Commission makes €80 million in funding available for the development of new web applications that make use of the already developed FIWARE open source technology.
FIWARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet applications and services, at a scale not seen before. FIWARE API specifications are public and royalty-free, driven by the development of an open source reference implementation which accelerates the availability of commercial products and services based on FIWARE technologies. 
The event is promoted by UTAD and SOUL-FI. SOUL-FI (Startups Optimizing Urban Life with Future Internet) is one of the FIWARE accelerator which aims to grow innovative web-based solutions and services applying FIWARE technology. SOUL-FI provides funding to startups and SMEs (over €5 million in grants) and targeted support services to talented entrepreneurs to help bring new products (apps and services) to market.
During this information session (English spoken), we will provide more insight about the FIWARE technology and FIWARE Accelerators programs and respected support offered.