ReUseWaste – International Training Course

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This International Training Course entitled Gaseous emissions from animal manure and biowastes – processes and measurement is an MSc and PhD course organized by the Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences (CITAB) from University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) and by Instituto Superior de Agronomia from University of Lisbon (Portugal). The course is integrated in the Marie Curie International Initial Training Network project “ReUseWaste-Recovery and Use of Nutrients, Energy and Organic Matter from Animal Waste”.
Aim and scope

This course provides the participants with updated information of processes for production and consumption of gaseous compounds (particularly of N and C) from soil and organic residues and with competences for running research activities at a post-graduation level when the application of methods for measuring gas fluxes are required. During the practical sessions of the course the participants will train measurement methods and perform lab analysis using GC, infrared gas analyzers and other lab equipment in simulated experiments.

This course corresponds to 5 ECTS learning equivalents.
In particular the participants will achieve competence in:
• Processes and factors affecting trace gases production from soil and animal manures and biowastes;
• Fundamentals of measuring techniques and instrumentation;
• Methods for measuring emissions from animal housing, manure stores, field and laboratory experiments;
• Emissions estimates, models and emission factors, mitigation strategies and options;
• Data analysis and interpretation.
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