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Assistive Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities

2 de Dezembro de 2016

Logo: Assistive Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities
Assistive Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities
December 2nd, 2016
UTAD Campus – Vila Real, Portugal
Building: Blocos laboratoriais – Auditorium 1, level 0
17:30 Welcome drink
18:00 Opening session
         João Barroso – UTAD and INESC TEC, Portugal. Principal Investigator of Integrated
         System for Enhancing the Autonomy of the Blind project.
         Ana Sanchez – FCT Board of Directors (to be confirmed)
         Ana Cristina Neves – Director of FCT Information Society Department (to be
18:15 War story
         Leontios Hadjileontiadis – Khalifa University, UAE. Principal Investigator of
         i-Prognosis Project (H2020).
18:45 Horizon 2020 Funding Opportunities for ICT and eHealth
         Eunice Ribeiro – Portuguese National Contact Point FET & ICT, GPPQ/FCT
19:15 Roundtable: How to develop a winning proposal to get EU funding
         Bjoern Eskofier – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
         Franz Puehretmair – KI-I, Austria.
         Leontios Hadjileontiadis –Khalifa University, UAE.
         Sylvester Arnab – Coventry University, United Kingdom.
         Yehya Mohamad – Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
         Eunice Ribeiro – GPPQ/FCT, Portugal.
         Moderator: Hugo Paredes – UTAD and INESC TEC, Portugal.
20:00 Networking
This workshop organized during the 7th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion – DSAI 2016, at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro – UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal is funded by the 2015 Digital Inclusion and Literacy Prize – Integrated System for Enhancing the Autonomy of the Blind, granted by the ICT and Society network, a special interest group created by the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology (FCT).
A inscrição é obrigatória e gratuita. 
Inscrições em: https://goo.gl/pKmEuf
Mais Informações: program@dsai.ws _



2 de Dezembro de 2016
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